Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Eating is an extension of politics by other means.

My grandparents happily bought Jaffa oranges because they respected Israel, they admired the way the Israelis “made the desert bloom”, and because the oranges taste great. I want to buy olive oil from Palestinian farmers in Gaza or the West Bank. It would feel a little like civil disobedience. I'll admit to a little ambivalence, however. They might increase product recognition by labeling the oil “72 virgins” instead of “extra virgin”.


Reuel said...

Buy only "Fair Trade" coffee beans. Coffee farmers receive very little from their labor while the big corporations make huge profits (Nestle, Kraft, Starbucks). See the new movie Black Gold or visit the Oxfam site for more information.

Anonymous said...

OMG--you rebel with a cause :-)