"You know from experience that in every war -- personally -- there have been mistakes and setbacks and casualties,'' he said. ''War is,'' as Clemenceau said, `A series of catastrophes that results in victory.'
Aha! It's no wonder we are suffering a 'series of catastrophes', it's part of Rummy's plan for victory! Sorry to disillusion you, Dumbsfeld, but despite Clemenceau's dictum, a series of catastrophes is more likely to lead to defeat than victory. And what does RumBum mean by "personally"? He was never personally in a war. I suppose hope is the best 'strategy' we can expect from these clowns (apologies to genuine clowns).
As for me, I think we should take the successful American general and President Grant's word on it: War is Hell. There's a plan for Rumenceau: Go to Hell (but don't take US with you).
PS Making fun of someone's name is stupid but I cannot help myself.