Friday, September 19, 2008

Party On! Wall Street

One of the 'old school' metaphors for the function of the Fed is to limit excesses in the economy by taking away the punch bowl when the party got started and definitely before it got out of hand. Well, that was about 4 years ago. The party goers have been feeling queasy for a while now.

Today, the clueless ones (formerly known as the fed) announced a desperate measure to keep this economy from tanking further. Details remain fuzzy, but that may be a hangover from the heady days.

I have a simple, fun suggestion: The fed fills a big punch bowl with credit cards guaranteed by the US Govt and invites only those with debt exceeding $1b to the party. Bring us your tired loans, your poor investments, the stinking refuse from your crowded loss sheets, yearning to be forgiven. Strictly black tie, special themed shuttle flights from NY (another reason to avoid the expression ‘bail out’). Keep the rabble out. They don’t know how to behave with credit.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


A sampling from John McCain’s “sound economy”:

Inside the circus known as the Administration, Ringmaster Cheney canceled a fundraiser and clown prince W was grounded to maintain appearances.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Country First...

The Repugnican Party convention motto is “Country First”. Let's complete the thought:
* Country first, then drinks on the veranda.
* Country first, “Golden Oldies” second.
* Country first, a Country for Old (White) Men.
* Country first, because that's what Halliburton bills.
* Country first, Spouse second (maybe). Answers the question, “screw who?”

Let's get the country out of reverse (R) and put it in drive (D). Or First.

It's Official