To those on the left who are disenchanted with President Obama because so little has been done so slowly, I would remind you that it was an election, not a revolution, so he must maintain a consensus to accomplish anything.
To those on the right who are terrified that President Obama has moved the country so far left so quickly, I would remind you that the economy was going over a cliff so a quick change of direction was necessary.
The Republican focus on taxes is an easy 'message' both in simplicity and sales, because it resonates with most people's self-interest in the short term. But tax cuts are easy; commensurate cuts in expenditures are hard. Too bad they couldn't "walk the talk" during the 8 years they were in control and the deficit exploded.
Like the midterm election that deprived President Clinton of his Congress, this election may be the tempering, even chastening, that will refine President Obama's term. Together with the Supreme Court decision giving corporations the legal cover to pay up-front for the Congress of their liking (reversing a century of stare decisis apparently does not count as judicial activism when the right does it), it might also unleash the populist Obama, the “give 'em Hell, Barack”, that the Republicans would rue awakening. Obama preferred the "Happy Warrior" role of FDR for several reasons, including inclination and tactics. But FDR was able to maintain it because Republicans had been thoroughly discredited by the Great Depression. Incredibly, despite foreign failures, domestic disasters, and the ideological incoherence of the Bush era, the Republicans remain a potent political force.
If there is a silver lining, it might be that the health reform measure can be made more bipartisan. Also, “Big Mo” Joe Lieberman's influence as the swing voter has been sharply reduced.