Friday, July 28, 2006

Frat Boy meets Minister's Daughter

W tried his hand at loosening up the leaders of the free world (and Russia) at their recent meeting. The new German leader, Angela Merkel, is a strong ally of Bush. But when W tried to give her an uninvited back rub, her body language said “get your hands off me now, creep”. This is probably not the first time W has encountered such a response, but hey, it's also “worked” pretty often. Only this time, the cameras were on and there were no other “girls” around for him to shift his attentions.

Loosen up, Angie! Are we having fun yet?
If this is how clueless W is among friends, imagine his missteps among our enemies.

In football, the ridicule now being heaped on W would draw a “piling on” penalty. Your humble, bruised blogger takes solace in being near the bottom of the pile. Half the ridicule in this blog is aimed not at W, who is anyway oblivious, but at us and our favorite news media. Here's one more (can't help myself). Bush said, "See, the irony is what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit, and it's over". For swearing, Bush was criticized but also applauded (for his “passion”). But what about his use of “irony”? He apparently does not know what irony means (incongruity between expression and meaning). Where's the irony? He sounds like a college sophomore who just learned the word in Composition or Criticism class and thinks it makes him sound smart.

Maybe instead of building a new Presidential library, W should spend some of his retirement in a couple of the fine libraries he never visited as a student at Andover, Yale and Harvard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the picture, it is hillarious! i enjoyed your commentary.
i continue to wonder "wtf..." is everyone blind? -- or is it a chosen path?

anyway, again thanks.