Sunday, April 20, 2008

Nietzsche, Democrats, and Spring Football

How hard should you practice? Nietsche wrote “Out of life's school of war: What does not destroy me, makes me stronger” (Twilight of the Idols). College football coaches, the premier modern philosophers, know better. They protect their star in practice for fear of a career-ending misstep and injury.

Some of Hillary Clinton's supports defend her relentless attacks because they say the attacks will toughen Obama for the general election. There may be some truth in this, because most voters will find these petty issues 'old news' (Reverend Wright, former Weather Underground neighbor, lapel pin etc. etc.), depriving the Republican attack ads of some traction. More likely, it will drive a brilliant but over-tired Obama to state the truth poorly ('bitter'), providing ammunition to those pitiful, craven few who want status quo.

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