Sunday, February 04, 2007

Bears + Colts = Super Bowl XLI

It's hard to choose a favorite in today's game. Usually, you like or dislike one team. I like both because they are great teams with winning personalities characterized by enthusiasm and hard work, qualities often in short supply among pro teams. The record-setting Colts quarterback, Peyton Manning, has never even been in the Super Bowl before. The young Bears quarterback, Rex Grossman, has struggled publicly without losing his spirit. The coaches, Lovey Smith and Tony Dungy, are the first black head coaches in the Super Bowl. They are apparently also nice guys, not the yelling curmudgeons who have set the recent pattern. The rain brings some gritty reality to what can sometimes be a sterile game. The weather also makes the ball slippery, leading to 4 turnovers in the first half and some added excitement. Just a couple points separating the teams after the first half.
The half time entertainer is the once and future Prince. I hope his guitar is grounded in the driving rain! Or am I naïve and everything is just acting to a recording? It certainly looks real.... The only other risk of a wardrobe malfunction would be losing his do-rag. There it goes, off into the crowd. Purple Rain in the rain – cool! Probably would've been good in fair weather but it was awesome in these conditions.
Colts are looking good in the first drive of the second half. Let's hope the second half is as good as the first. About half the commercials are worth watching - the job search company is best so far. Time to enjoy!

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