Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hillary, Pillory, Shrillary

Hillary Clinton is fully engaged in the politics of personal destruction. She cannot win the popular vote or the delegate count unless she destroys Obama. So, with no sign of compunction, she targets Obama with the vigor and zeal of a fully committed Republican partisan.

Democrats should remember that John Kerry came as close as any challenger ever to unseat an incumbent president at war. His fatal flaw was his vote to authorize the war. Hillary has the same flaw. She has two choices: either repudiate her vote and echo Kerry's infamous 'voted for it before I voted against it', or try the too-subtle dance of saying it was right to start the war but the management was wrong. Being a Clinton, she will choose a third way, triangulating between truth and lies, deceit and honesty, trying to confuse just enough people for just long enough.

1 comment:

Reuel said...

Oops! A monumentally over-tired Hillary has blurted out what many might have thought but kept decently to themselves or mentioned, hesitantly, quietly, regretfully, in private: some kook with a gun could change this election dramatically.

The truth of this comment cannot be denied. However, she inevitably, and to be fair, certainly incorrectly, appears to be almost wishing for such an outcome.

Her shot at Veep just went poof. We don't need her waiting expectantly for 4 years. She needs a long, long vacation.