The errorist Bush administration boasts 2 'experts' on Russia: Rice and Gates. Oh-oh. Not surprisingly, Russia has gone from a friendly democracy in 2000 to a hostile, belligerent, surely dictatorship in 2008.
Now we have a crisis close to Crimea. We have a
Coast Guard ship on the Black Sea? This is the logic that sends the
National Guard to Iraq. It all depends on whose
coast and whose
nation you really care about. There's oil in them there hills in the Caucasus and Iraq.... hmmm.
I predict that John McCant and the desperate Repugnicans, together with their propaganda organ Faux Snooze, will use the Georgia crisis to trigger racial divides. When Reagan said “state's rights”, he meant to old Southerners “I won't meddle on your plantation (real or imagined)”, but that dog won't hunt no more. Watch for Georgians to become 'Caucasians', which is technically correct. Watch for the Russians to become 'Slavs', which is technically correct. Watch for the short 'a' of Slav to be slightly elongated.
As John McCant might say, bottled rage threatening to spill out, “look,
pal, are you for the
Caucasians or the
Slavs?” He won't even notice.