Sunday, August 10, 2008

China 'Opening': Olympic Precision on a Huge Scale

The opening ceremonies of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing were amazing and beautiful on a stunning scale with breathtaking precision. If you missed it on TV, as did I, you can watch at the NBC website [too bad they make you download Microsoft's 'innovative' (bad) copy of Adobe Flash].

The ceremony reveled in China's technical prowess and philosophical history. Movable type, a Chinese invention, was celebrated using Chinese writing characters – literally movable – on an enormous LED stage. The edge around the top of the stadium contributed to show with coordinated images. The precision of so many people and movement on a huge scale – thousands of people performing beautifully was simply astonishing. The only weak moment was the silly bird reincarnated (at 33 minutes). Chi (life) and Harmony were the key messages and images. The earth at 40 min that turns into a dynamic Faberge egg is astonishing. Bob Costas says what I was thinking about the 2008 drummers acting in perfect precision: a little intimidating that such a large country can put on such a show. It is astonishing how artistry can be realized with no obvious technical constraints.

1 comment:

Reuel said...

After 1 week, China has every reason to be proud. It is astonishing how well they have hosted and performed. This is a country just a couple decades removed from third world status! A testament to China's dedication and the power of capitalism. So far, I would say the decision to grant China the Games was good for both parties - China and the (rest of) the World.

The pictures of Beijing and the Great Wall etc. make me want to visit.