Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rush Judgment

Rush Hudson Limbaugh III recently signed a contract paying him $400 M over the next 8 years. Pretty impressive! I don't doubt the market so I am sure his paymasters anticipate making even more off his labors. But that led me to think... who listens to this guy? For myself, sure, I suppose I could listen, sometimes, but I couldn't do my job if I were paying any attention. I certainly couldn't listen regularly, really listen, to some guy on the radio. Nobody with a thoughtful job could waste time listening to “talk radio” during the workday. Are his advertisers pitching stuff for dummies?

No wonder the liberal alternative “Air America" failed; the liberals are all too busy doing real work. You know, the kind of work that requires thought and attention.

Incidentally, apparently the guy's a prescription drug addict, been divorced 3 times, has no kids, and is currently unmarried. Thus, he is a perfect propagandist for the “pro-family” Repugnican agenda. [Note: he's the 'scion' of a family that named 3 generations of boys “Rush”.]

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