Sunday, February 11, 2007

Obama, '08, Oh yeah!

Senator Barack Obama announced yesterday that he is running for President of the United States. He made his announcement in Springfield Illinois, echoing the “house divided” theme sounded 150 years ago by another tall, skinny lawyer from Illinois, Abraham Lincoln. Acknowledging it was "an improbable quest", he echoed another noble hero, Don Quixote. Improbable, but not impossible. Obama has already survived 2 years of growing expectations, which started at impossible heights when he first introduced himself to the country in an electrifying speech before the Democratic Convention in 2004. Beats there a heart so cynical that it doesn't thrill to this man, his potential, and what it could mean to healing our country and our world?

Most politicians are either rhetorically inspiring or rationally convincing. Obama manages to be both, appealing to the emotions and the mind. Perhaps this is due, in part, to the fact that he so clearly embodies his core message of unity, being black and white. Enough pop psychology! This is a clearly healthy and self aware unity.

If you want to learn more about his ideas and thinking, listen to his weekly podcast, a brief monologue on a single issue of national importance (direct from the Senate site or on Apple iTunes). Though I disagreed with his vote against confirming Roberts, I had to concede that he made good points in support of his decision. He has a very good grasp of politics and even seems to have a mature perspective on his charisma. Though only a junior Senator, his opinion is clearly respected by his colleagues and even by the Administration.

We need another Lincoln. His announcement comes on a day when the dictator of Russia, Putin, could rationally charge that the US was reigniting the nuclear arms race. Electing Obama President could be the first step on a long journey of healing the divisions – domestic and international - that have been exploited and made worse by the current administration.


Reuel said...

CBS's 60 Minutes broadcast a wonderful story on Barack Obama. His wife is great. Check it out here:

Reuel said...

Check out BarackTV:

Anonymous said...

Have a look at Obama’s riposte to Ozzie Howard’s criticism of his Iraq strategy. First, Obama said he was flattered by the attention from overseas. Gracious and self-deprecating.

He then said that if Howard were so “ginned up” to fight in Iraq, then he should send 20,000 Australian troops. Wise and artful: “ginned up”! Ouch! How often does an American politico win a battle of wits with a foreign politico? This guy is ready and waiting. It couldn’t happen too soon.